This site presents interactive digital critical edition of the Popol Wuj and other texts produced by Multepal Project at the University of Virginia. We expect to develop several versions of each text, each presenting the text from a particular editorial or critical perspective.
The texts in this collection are encoded in TEI and prepared by the Multepal team with line breaks removed, manuscript page breaks represented as milestones, and inferred paragraph breaks added. Our approach is intended to represent the texts in so-called logical form, that is, as discursive structures independent of their material documentary vehicles.
This approach has two advantages.
First, it presents the text as it was meant to be read. Second, it allows for the natural representation of annotatiohns of the text that cross line and page boundaries. Other editions of the text will emphasize its material structure. Each text contains highlighted segments of the text that correspond to topics on the Multepal database; these are links that launch pop-up menus describing the topic, along with a link back to the Multepal database for more information.

Facsimile of the Popol Vuj, Folio 1, recto.
Courtesy of the Newberry Library and
the Ohio State University Libraries.